Better late than never, right? The truth is that I got a new phone a week ago, and finally figured out how to get all of the photos off of the old one. "Tech: just doesn't flow in my veins.
No matter how long it has been (a year and a half), it doesn't change how proud I am of my sweetheart! Medical school was really just the first big step in getting to where we want to go, but it was a big, life-changing one. It was four years that we loved! There were long hours, frustrating classmates and teachers, firsthand heartbreaking stories, and once in a life-time opportunities that have changed our lives. In a lot of ways it was our first taste of the real world.
During those four years it was humbling to watch my husband. He got up everyday, and did everything that was required of him and more. He never settled for just doing enough to get by. He graduated near the top of his class, after having matched into a competitive orthopedic surgery residency. Even more impressive, I think, our marriage was happy, our babies loved and happy, and every church and community responsibility filled to the best of his ability. He was able to achieve a balance that most of his class couldn't even begin to understand. Basically, he is amazing, and I am the lucky girl that gets to see it all!

I don't claim to be a great writer or speaker. Sometimes I wish I could lay claim to that talent just long enough to accurately express my feelings. I guess I will just have to end by saying that, MD aside, I feel so blessed to get to hang on the arm of the most amazing person I have ever known!
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