Chad is pretty particular about his hair cuts. He got a bad one from a companion as greenie serving an LDS mission. Since then he took cutting his hair into his own hands. Just before Taylee got married we found out that her future husband is also very picky, but pays for his cuts. We save tons of money doing all of our own hair cuts (except mine) and she wanted to be able to do the same. Chad very sweetly allowed Taylee to practice on him before her nuptials. This was a big deal, because he won't even let his licenced beautician sister-in-law do it.

It was a very long lesson. He made sure she was going very slow so that chances for messing up would be minimal and made me help check her work. In the end, Tubbs got Chads seal of approval. However, I hear Sloth (my now brother-in-law) still doesn't let her sheer him.
It's true.