Pratt truly has no inhibitions. This is also true of his attitude toward rules. He seems to think that even though he knows he is doing wrong, and will be punished, it will probably be less displeasure than the pleasure he will receive from following his own whim. In this case it was scaling the wall and climbing along it's ledge to get to something that I purposely put out of his reach. He wears me out!
Walking to the school bus each morning is a highlight of the our day. Aimee and Porter like to run to the corner. Pratt likes to experiment with his options. This day he decided that he needed to ride in the stroller and hold May. Most days he prefers to ride in the bottom of the stroller, curled up in a blanket in the basket that isn't exactly intended for little boys. Who knew that my stroller could be converted to a double.A couple of weeks ago we all went to a Saturday Primary program practice. Afterward we decided to stop at Kroger to stock up on a sale item. My kids love the kid carts here, and all have to push one when we go. It was hilarious to try to herd all three kids with carts (plus May who was being pushed by my best cart driver, Aimee) to the back of the store where our item was located. Lots of people got cut off and/or run into. As we were leaving, Chad asked me if I always let them each have a cart when I come alone. I told him I did. He was blown away on many levels. I just smiled and kept herding.
Yeah, we have a dog with personality.
I decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store to grab a few items. We lucked out and showed up at the same time the Wienermobile was there! The gave us coupons, key chains and wienie whistles! I thought it was a lot cooler then the boys did.
This is the boys eating donuts, trying out their wienie whistles and waiting for Aimee to come home on the bus.
Funnest dad ever right here! Nothing like a little bed time wrestling to get them to go to bed...