To Porter they are rollie pollies, but Aim calls them holy pollies. This poor bugs definitely abundant, and they are one hot commodity in this neighborhood. If I send the kiddos outside with a container of some sort they will spend a good hour hunting them down. The neighborhood moms have all agreed that these little insects are a good match for Village Green. What better defence mechanism than rolling up in a ball to escape (at least some of the time) certain death. Being the wise old mom that I am, I know of a few hot spots, so when the fighting-over-a-bug erupts I can usually put it to a quick end. The other day that didn't work so well, because the altercation was over a centipede. There was even hitting and tears involved. Honestly, I thought it was hilarious that two little girls were fighting over a bug. We have had to make rules about bugs. One is that they don't get to come in the house. After I drug the kids in for lunch the other day, I found out that Aimee had one in her hand. I recited the rule and she said "okay mom." I kind of forgot about it until about an hour later. We had eaten and I had laid Porter down for a nap. I had just sat down to feed Pratt when Aimee asked to go outside to play. I noticed that she was holding her fist closed, so I asked what she was trying to take outside with her. She opened her hand and revealed the balled up little rollie pollie she caught before lunch. She assured me that she hadn't let it get in the house. What an entertainer!
This rule was created when Aimee and Porter brought in a container full one day that didn't manage to stay closed all the way through lunch. This is the picture of them "cleaning" up their rollie pollie mess. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I truly believe that bugs are filling the measure of their creation when they fall into the little hands of curious little minds.
Cute! What a clever girl that Aimee!