Last week was a great week to be a kid at Village Green. The weather is just starting to get to where it is hot and muggy, so the water came out to play. After a BBQ on Monday (Chad only had to work for a few hours!) our friends blew up lot of water balloons for the kiddos to play with. Chad was also around quite a bit in the late afternoons, so he took the kiddos to the play ground a lot.
This is Pratt swinging outside for the first time. The poor little guy looks a little stoned, but I think he had fun.
Friday we got a big group together and had Cafe Rio at the institute and made good use of the sand
volleyball pit. So did the kids. As we were leaving that night, I buckled Porter into his car seat and gave him a quick kiss on the head. I chewed on sand for about ten minutes after that.
In this photo, Chad was planting some flowers for me in the back and found this toad. Luckily for the toad, Chad doesn't believe in animal
cruelty, and managed to get it away from Aimee and Porter before it's life was cut short. Just a couple of days before our neighbors also caught a huge toad, and it got stuck in a cooler for a couple of days in a "habitat" constructed by a five year old. And summer has just begun!
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