You know, there just isn't a great way to describe this boy. When this kid was born he was 100% angelic. Content. Happy. Sweet. He was such an easy baby! Then he learned to walk. My life changed drastically at that point! For about the following three years, I don't think I ever used the word angelic to describe him, unless he was sleeping. Pratt got into more trouble than the other two ever dreamed of getting into. He challenged every theory I had on raising kids, and tested my limits to, and sometimes past, my breaking point. Then he turned four. While I still haven't entirely convinced him to go to the bathroom before it becomes a problem when he is playing, or at least to not do it in a public place, he has changed. I think he suddenly realized that being "big" can also mean, listening and doing what you are supposed to do. Oh, and he even gives me a hug sometimes and tells me he loves me!
So This boy wanted to be in on all birthday prep. He and Porter helped with every step of making and decorating his construction cake. They were excellent helpers, and Pratt was very gracious in letting Porter help as well.

That night Mike and Saundra came over to man the crew while Chad and I took Pratt out to his first birthday dinner. Much to Chad's delight, he chose to go to Five Guys! Turns out he decided against eating what he ordered, and wanted Chad's dinner. When Chad traded him, it was proof that he loves his little Mini-Me. Then we took Pratt to Wal-Mart to pick out his birthday presents from the grandparents. He thought that was about the coolest thing ever, and was a huge fan of all of his gifts!

We rounded out the evening by blowing out candles and sharing birthday cake with the cousins! He was in heaven! Life is good being four!

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