Our good friends got Just Dance for their wii for Christmas. To most people that probably wouldn't mean much, but since we make a habit out of mooching off of them that was great news! I had never played that before, but now that I have I am a believer! It was so much fun!
I had just got out of the shower when the called and asked us to come play, so that is my excuse for looking so gross. Since I like to claim to be a dancer, this was right up my ally and I really got into it. Since we forced our men folk to participate, Chad also got to play. He wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it. The first song he basically only did the arm that was holding the controller.
We mostly played girls against guys, and our hubbies had to try to beat our scores. By the end of the night Chad did get into the spirit of things, and our friends even got us to do one of the duet songs together.
This was the first time I had ever considered the possibility of owning a wii...
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