We had been really looking forward to our ward camp out. With Chad gone all summer we hadn't been able to go, but this was just the opportunity we needed. The forecast was clear this year, but it did say it would be a cold that evening. We got up to Hitchcock with plenty of time to go claim our camp spot. It reminded us of just how much we love our hand-me-down tent. We then enjoyed a BBQ and fireside before we headed back to the campground. Honestly, I missed most of the night. By the time I put Pratt to bed and pumped up in the van, most people had gone to bed. I found a few smores and learned that Aimee and Porter had actually asked Chad to take them to bed while I was away.
It had been a big night. They had definitely made the most of being in the woods. That night I could have written a thank you card in the dark (because for the second year in a row we forgot to pack a flashlight) to our neighbors who kindly loaned us their four sleeping bags. Every blanket that we own wouldn't have been enough. It was cold! My little Prattman's rolling skills are not good for staying under the blankets while in a pack n' play outdoors.
I also learned that Chad thought the sleeping bags for Aimee and Porter were just for padding. He gave the kids all of his blankets, and I wouldn't have been warm if I had had all of them myself. I got up early the next morning to feed Pratt and pump. The two of us enjoyed the warm van for a couple of hours before I headed back down. That morning we enjoyed fried eggs, hash browns, sausage, donuts and juice. We swapped stories with our friends about their crazy nights and packed up. We got to drive back home on I-29 for the first time since the flood closed it. It was quite a site to see. We got home in time for Chad to vacuum the van out and me to uncover our kids from the layers of dirt and smoke they had built up. Someday we will get good at the camping thing, but for now we are having fun make memories failing at it!
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