Our Easter this year was awesome! As much as it hurts my heart that my kiddos are getting so big, it comes with a lot of fun action. We started with the annual egg coloring the FHE before the big day. Chad and I did all of the dying. We even tried a new trick with oil in the water to make them speckled. It was pretty cool. But, once again we busted out the acrylic paint and brushes, since it is something that Aimee and Porter can do, which meant that very little of the dye job was visible. Every year we sort of have a goal egg. Last year it had the score Chad was shooting for on his step one boards. This year it has the name of the residen
Saturday was kind of cold. It was a bummer because that is the day of the annual Village Green egg hunt. Aimee and Porter were in two separate age divisions so Chad and I split up. Once they finally yelled go it was a swarm of mini people. As outgoing as Aimee is, she gets intimidated in a busy crowd. With that said, she didn't do quite as well as Porter in how many eggs she collected. Plus, her area was empty in about a minute flat. That was fine though because that meant we could go watch Porter. Since his group was much slower, it was lots more fun to see all of these little toddlers managing to find, pick up, and put their eggs in their baskets! It worked out great though, because we just combined all of their candy. Plus, Aimee got a second chance at her first Primary activity later that afternoon! Chad also did a fantastic job before the VG hunt and when we colored eggs explaining what eggs had to do with Easter.
Sunday w
e started the day with a French toad in the hole for breakfast before getting all dressed up in new Easter clothes. I have had these little outfits hanging in the closet for over a year now. Porters clothes were size 2. Right now he is wearing mostly 12 month clothes, but I decided to try them on him anyway. As it turns out the pants were a little too big, but the shirt and vest were too small. I think they must have been mislabeled. Chad even cut up an old tie that matched the vest and tied it for him. Then he
pinned his pants to his shirt so he could wear the outfit even with the size issues. He looked like he was wearing a little zuit suit, and it was adorable! Aimee fit perfectly in her dress, and of course looked beautiful! While we didn't catch and tie up the Easter Bunny, the kids did go find all of our hard boiled eggs that he hid after naps. That hunt last a lot longer since Chad re hides the eggs until they start to slow down.
It was a lot of fun to enjoy the festivities of the holiday, but for me the highlight of the day was Sacrament meeting. There was beautiful music and amazing talks, and of course the sacrament its self. I was so grateful for the sweet Spirit that was there, and the opportunity to remember my Savior and all that is possible through him. Truly, we are blessed!
It was a lot of fun to enjoy the festivities of the holiday, but for me the highlight of the day was Sacrament meeting. There was beautiful music and amazing talks, and of course the sacrament its self. I was so grateful for the sweet Spirit that was there, and the opportunity to remember my Savior and all that is possible through him. Truly, we are blessed!