It has been
just over two weeks now with our little Pratt, and it has been awesome! One of the big advantages I had coming into this delivery was that I knew the day and the hour, and I was able to prepare and plan, two of my favorite things. I had a to do list that for the most part got done, which gave me a lot of piece of mind. It made my stay in the hospital less stressful, knowing most of the loose ends were tied up. Actually I had a fantastic stay at the hospital. There were the things that I expected that were great, like being in a brand new hospital, the awesome 24 hour room service, and having my doctor being the one to do rounds on me. Chad and I were also able to Skype several times while I was there. It was nice to be able to "be with" my family even when w
e were apart. Plus it was nice to not have the kiddos bouncing off the hospital walls. I also had a few very pleasant surprises like a fresh warm cookie each afternoon and some really amazing nurses, one in particular, that made my stay very memorable! I also hoped for the best and prepared for the worst with the kiddos once we got Pratt and me home. I admit it was a little rough at first. My mom had some frustrating travel difficulties that left me that first day home alone, and was almost by default rough. Lucky for me I have some super amazing friends that got me through it! Once my mom got here things got better and worse. On the one hand, she was wonderful to keep life moving. She did my laundry the entire week! That alone was a huge gift since that is my least favorite chore. She also kept us all fed and my little people busy so that I could focus on feeding Pratt. Between having Grandma around and me not exactly at the top of
my game, Aimee and Porter spent a few days testing the limits of what they could get away with, and how much attention they could get. After a day or two they learned that Grandma wasn't going to let them get away with being naughty, and things got better. Pratt also had a touch of Jaundice which meant three days in a row going to the Dr. to get it checked. Not fun. On the plus side this c-section has been the easiest to bounce back from, so even with all of the going out, I was able to keep my pain in check. We did get to enjoy a few laid back days with Grandma before her plane took off and the Aimee's tears started. She has been praying for Grandma everyday since she left. That week of having my mom here helped me get rested up for life to resume it's new normal. Since then I have braved the grocery store and the doctors office. W
e also have survived Porter having the flu. Our neighbor whose wife recently had their first baby said to us several weeks later that he didn't know how women do it, especially after having to give birth and then take care of a new person. My answer was adrenalin. Somehow I forgot the real answer. It is divine help. That and the best husband in the world! It is amazing how having a new one of Heavenly Fathers little spirits join your family reminds you of how very blest you are. That has been the best part of the last couple of weeks. Each time I get up in the night to nurse, or even have Aimee and Porter do something they aren't supposed to, I feel an added help reminding me that these little people are children of God, and that I am privileged that He has trusted me to raise them. It makes it much easier to not be so upset, and handle the situation with love and kindness. Maybe that is why he is still sending them, I need those reminders again. I am just so grateful for my growing little family, and to know that if I can just keep that in mind as I try to teach my kiddos who they are and why they are here that we can be together forever!
Tosha! I'm so glad you found me on FB, because then I also saw your blog address. It's been FOREVER since I've seen you or even known what you're up to! Your kids are all so adorable, and you're beautiful as always. Congratulations on the new baby! I'm glad to hear things are going as smoothly as can be expected.