When Chad suggested that I go with him to the orthopedic conference his residency was sending him to, I said no way! There was no way I was going to spend the days in a hotel while Chad was in conference, spend the money to get there to do it, and leave my babies back in Ohio for that kind of time! Chad had the rebuttal to my every argument. My brother lived in Vegas and I could hang out with them, especially since I hadn't seen them for three years. We had the sky miles to pay for my ticket. He was covered by the residency, and would even have a daily food allowance we could use (they give them ample money for three meals a day, and cover the alcohol most of them drink as well). And my brother and sister in law know everything we do and could take care of our babies. I still said no. I felt guilty! How could I? Then he reminded me that we have never gone anywhere, just the two of us, since our honeymoon 9 1/2 years ago, and that even though we would go stay with family, it would be a fun get away. He nailed me!
So we were off! Flying with no kids was so...easy! I even brought a book for myself! Chad was able to rent a car for us to drive courtesy of his residency, in place of him staying in a hotel. It was so much fun to see my brother, his sweet wife and his kiddos, one of which I had never met!
Mostly we just visited and caught up on each others lives. Two days in, my brother Jake traveled down to hang out with us as well! It was his birthday that week so we got to celebrate with him!
Chad and I took an afternoon after he was done to do a little sight seeing. We started by having our first In N' Out Burgers. It really is great! 

We walked the strip and found that it mostly consists of stores for spending money. Shopping, especially at tourist prices, isn't really our thing. We did manage to find the M&M's store and see a free 15 minute 3D show.

We also met up that night with my family to see the Knights of the Round Table at the Excalibur hotel. We did a lousy job taking pictures, but we had a ton of fun eating Cornish Game Hen with our hands while cheering "ha-zah!" for our Irish knight. He didn't win the tournament, but he took a close second! I spent that night knowing my kids would have loved that show, and wishing they could have been there.

Late Friday night, some of my awesome friends from our medical school, Village Green days arrived to visit. They had traveled all the way from Salt Lake with babies to come and visit me while I was semi-close. The following day we roamed the strip with them again and caught up on how each others lives. We walked all the way from the Hard Rock Hotel to the Venetian to explore the hotel Chad's conference had been in all week

While we were there I found the perfect job for my sister and sister-in-law. They are both voice major graduates. They could both move to Vegas and be street performers in that hotel! Neither one thought it was a very good idea, but I think I may have planted a seed.

By that time I wasn't just itching to get home, but craving it! I missed my little family like crazy! It had been so much to see family and friends, but my morning sickness kicked in a day or two into the trip, and I really struggled to adjust to the three hour time difference. It was a fun trip, and I was grateful I got to go, but so grateful to come home.