This is one of the things I am really going to miss about living in Village Green! There is just nothing like a hot afternoon spent outside watching my kiddos playing in the
sprinklers and wading pools with all of their little friends! Lucky for us, this early warm weather has given them the chance to get in a few more fun summer days before we pack up and head to Ohio where we will have a fenced yard (if we get the house we want) and play time will have to be much more planned. It usually starts with one of the moms turning on a sprinkler or filling up a pool. Then every kid in the neighborhood runs in their house and begs to put on their swimming suit so they can join the fun. In less than 15 minutes you have something of a pool party happening at the end of Arbor Ct. I love it!

Pratt is even getting big enough to join in the fun. At one point on this day he crawled right through a cold sprinkler. He did that stunned gasping thing, and I just sat and laughed instead of
rescuing him. Call me mean, but it was pretty funny. We have stocked up on otter pops and have the swim suits ready to enjoy what is left of our last Omaha summer!
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