Thursday, February 10, 2011

best friends

Yesterday Aimee told be that she had a baby in her tummy. I told her she couldn't have babies until she got big, and got married. She then told me that she was going to get married in the temple with Porter. I said that yes, Porter would get married too when he got big. Then she clarified her statement. She said "Porter's going to get married to me in the temple." Not only did I love that at three years old she is planning on getting married in the temple, but I love that she loves her brother so much! He loves her right back too! These two have been forced to put in a lot of play time together during the winter months. I used to throw in a movie each morning so that I could take a shower in peace, now I just shut the door and Aimee and Porter entertain each other. Just ask Aimee who her best friend is and she will say Porter. Of course there are moments that I could stand to not have them play so well together, especially when Porter is copying something that Aimee is doing that she shouldn't be. For example, the other day the two of them were jumping off the couch. Porter is little enough that he never even came close to landing on his feet. I thought he was going to crack his head open. The two of them have also become quite stealthy at getting things off the counter that aren't right against the wall, out of bucket reach. They hijacked a block of cheese the other day, and I found them under the kitchen table (their latest hide-out) taking turns having bites of it. They rescue each other when the other one is in time out, they fight over toys and they pretend to animals for hours on end. I have a lot of great memories of doing fun and crazy things with my brothers growing up, so it only made me more excited to add one more little body to the trouble makers!

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