It all started out so innocently. These two little girl cousins played together for the first time during the Ohio scope out visit. At 11 months old it was really about which one could out-crawl the other to the most alluring toy, or hoping they didn't notice each others bows and try to pull them out. It was adorable! It was harmless. And, it was fun to watch.
Once Mike and Saundra moved in with us, things began to change. A couple of months older and a couple of months wiser, or at least more competitive. Being around each other on a daily basis they began to treat each others as twin sisters. Still adorable, but in constant competition for attention and resources (food, toys, lap space, etc.). 

And when they weren't trying to outdo each other, they were accomplices. Partners in crime really. For all of the sweet pictures in this post, there are an equal or greater number of occasions when instead of snapping a picture, we were rushing to halt catastrophe. There are no pictures of them pushing chairs or stacking items in the basement to gain access to gnaw through bags of chocolate chips, brown sugar or marshmallows. None of the occasions (with an s) when entire containers of laundry product were emptied onto the carpet. Toilet papers rolls emptied or cold cereal trails giving away their location. I could go on and on. These two frienemies bring out the best and worst in each other. And for as much aggravation as it has caused this mama, it has still been pretty fun to watch (and when it wasn't as least it made for a good story)! 
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